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This General Disclaimer applies to all programs, services, and information provided on our platform. We do not make any guarantees or implications about results, as each homeowner's situation is unique and outcomes can vary. Our website operates under the business name Realty Warehouse, Inc. ("The Company"), and we do not have any affiliation with government agencies.

Brick By Brick is a licensed real estate brokerage in New York, offering guidance and not legal or accounting advice. Participation in any program, including those involving property acquisition or real property rights, does not guarantee foreclosure avoidance. We encourage consulting with legal professionals for any agreements and decisions regarding your mortgage payments and property.

The information provided on this site is subject to change and is not a substitute for professional legal counsel. While we offer a wealth of information for handling foreclosure, it should not be confused with legal advice tailored to individual circumstances.

Our services, including those with no out-of-pocket costs, are for eligible and approved homeowners. Third-party providers may supply some services, which carry no negotiable monetary value outside the terms offered. Should you require the services of a real estate broker or attorney due to foreclosure, they may charge a fee only if this is part of the service provided.

A Monetary Option may be available for properties requiring a short sale, subject to lender approval.

Homeowner Advocates are licensed real estate salespersons in New York, offering accessible information and guidance. They assess eligibility for services and assist in making informed decisions, but it is up to the individual to decide to accept the services offered.

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